Why Healing Matters

Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized

“Trauma is a fact of life.  It does not, however, need to be life sentence.” -Peter A. Levine

We are all impacted by trauma.  Some people may experience more micro traumas and then there are others who experience macro trauma.  Some will endure one traumatic event while others have the potential for many traumatic experiences over one’s lifetime.  Everyone’s unique make-up also dictates the way in which someone is impacted by trauma.  We cannot say how trauma will affect a person but I think it is fair to say that it is your duty to take responsibility for your healing.  

Holding onto traumatic experiences will significantly hinder your quality of life, your quality of relationships, and your overall life span.  There is so much more in life that is meant for you.  You are meant to explore and experience the beauty of the life that you have been afforded.  

Doing the work is challenging.  You have to find the courage to face it head on.  It will get messy.  It will get hard.  It will be emotional.  But you can experience a profound sense of freedom on the other side.  Not to say you will be able to eliminate the trauma or the way it changed you, but you will be able to reflect on those experiences and have gratitude for the way in which they shaped you.  

I encourage you to have a journal ready.  The more insight you gain about yourself, you will want to take notes.  It helps facilitate the train of thought when you are able to write everything down and then you can refer back to it later as you continue to process through your own healing.